Filadelfia Children School

The Children’s School is a regional special school for children aged 6-18 with epilepsy or other cognitive difficulties and disabilities such as ADHD and ASD (autism spectrum disorder). The Children’s School is a part of Filadelfia, the highly specialized and only epilepsy hospital in Denmark.
A large portion of the school’s pupils come to the school as a link in their hospitalization in order to be diagnosed and observed for epilepsy and/or medical adjustments. The teachers from The Children’s School are thereby taking an active part in diagnosing the children by observing and describing seizures and effects caused by the medication.
In close cooperation with the hospital, The Children’s School’s tasks are to:
- observe the influence of epilepsy and medicine on the pupil’s general situation such as learning abilities, physical condition, social behavior etc.
- observe seizures and behaviors when the pupils are in a school environment.
- testing different methods of teaching in attempt to find the most suitable way to accommodate the needs of the pupil and to compensate the pupil’s physical and psychological condition.
- supervise the pupil’s district school concerning for instance choice of school, educational options, educational consequences of epilepsy etc.
- manage the pupil’s education during the hospitalization and to improve educational standard.
The overall aims of The Children’s School are to ensure that children with epilepsy:
- get to live as normal a life as possible.
- get the necessary support they need to benefit from their education.